Zicla- Recycled Products for Construction

Zicla- Recycled Products for Construction

Por Petz Scholtus

We went along to the open doors event at Zicla here in Barcelona and felt like kids in a candy store while marvelling at the wide variety of material samples made from recycled paper, rubber, plastics or glass. Zicla is a Barcelona based company specialising in promoting and distributing recycled products for construction. This month, Verónica Kuchinow and Alfredo Balmaceda who founded and run Zicla, launched their web site. For those of you who can?t make it to their showroom in Poblenou (Barcelona), all the products of their permanent exhibition are now listed on the web site with detailed downloadable information.

Products are divided into two categories: Applications and Types of Waste. Under the first category you can find garden material such as plant pots or watering pipes, urban furniture like benches or bus stops, all sorts of pavements, insulating material, sign posts, work surfaces, ceramics and other material for interior use and more. The second category includes new materials made from recycled rubber, paper and card, plastic, glass or textiles.

Apart from distributing these products that fit the criteria of construction material, Zicla is developing new products from their clients? industrial waste. They find new applications, promote the use of these recycled materials and study the market in order to find new business opportunities for their clients. Eco-labelling, life cycle analysis and incorporating the environmental criteria into the world of construction are their most powerful tools to ?close the cycle of materials, by incorporating reclaimed material into the industry, avoiding that their destiny are incinerators or rubbish dumps?. Zicla have found a fantastic market niche by offering companies opportunities to recycle their waste and create new materials whilst providing a great eco material database for architects, engineers or designers. Zicla


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